Conquer Dental Anxiety With Sedation Dentistry: Fear No More, Smile More!

Are you among the millions of patients dreading the dental chair? Welcome to the world of sedation dentistry, and embrace a stress-free, comfortable experience. If you have been avoiding dental appointments in Greenville, South Carolina, we invite you to The Smile Company to benefit from nitrous oxide and oral sedation offered by Dr. Thorpe Jacob. It’s time to let go of dental fear and welcome a new era of dental care that will have you smiling from ear to ear!

Our sedation dentistry options

We know that all patients aren’t created the same. While some patients rarely give a second thought about visiting a dentist, others are so apprehensive about dental visits that they avoid dental treatments altogether.

Thankfully, modern dentistry has evolved to boast advanced technology that provides comfortable and minimally invasive dentistry. If you have dental anxiety, you can benefit from the below dental sedation types for a fear-free dental experience. 

  • Nitrous oxide: Also called laughing gas, nitrous oxide is one of the most common methods used to combat mild to moderate dental fear. We administer this sedation through a small mask placed over your nose. This sedation type kicks in immediately after the mask is in place. Laughing gas raises your pain threshold and keeps you relaxed but still awake as the dentist works on you. The sedation effects of nitrous oxide disappear immediately after the mask is removed. This means you can drive home and resume daily activities after treatment.
  • Oral sedation: Here, we prescribe an anti-anxiety medication like Valium, taken about an hour before the treatment. When the sedation effects kick in, you’ll relax deeply but remain conscious and aware of the surroundings. However, many patients doze off, but a slight nudge is enough to awaken them. Oral sedation is ideal for complex and lengthy procedures because patients rarely notice the passage of time. Oral sedation requires someone to accompany you to and from the office, so make arrangements before the appointment.

We work to create a relaxing dental environment where any patient finds it comfortable to keep their dental care on track. We have designed our office to have a home-like feeling to make our patients comfortable. Furthermore, we’ve invested in modern anesthetics, sedation dentistry, and modern technology to improve your dental experience.

Overcome dental fear with a sedation dentist 

If you experience fear at the thought of a dentist, it’s vital to know you can get help. At our office, we won’t let you battle dental anxiety alone. We offer numerous sedation dentistry options to help you overcome dental fear and get the dental care you deserve. 

Ready to take control of your dental health with sedation dentistry? Please call (864) 243-8231 to schedule an appointment with The Smile Company.