Reclaim Your Functional and Beautiful Smile with Natural-looking Dental Implants

Tooth loss is more than a cosmetic concern. When you lose teeth, the teeth near the gap bear unbalanced biting forces, causing them to tilt. Changes in your bite make simple activities like eating difficult and painful. It also impedes your speaking ability and puts you at risk of health complications like bone loss, bruxism, and TMJ disorder. 

Are you tired of dealing with missing teeth? You are in luck! The Smile Company in Greenville, South Carolina, offers high-quality dental implants to restore your smile for life. Once dental implants settle in your mouth, they work, look, and feel like natural teeth.

What are dental implants?

A dental implant is a small, screw-like titanium fixture that replaces the root portion of your natural tooth. Since titanium is biocompatible, it fuses with the jawbone to form a solid anchor for one or more replacement teeth.

We place an abutment above the dental implant post that links the implant to a dental prosthetic. The final component of a dental implant could be a crown if you have lost one tooth or a bridge or denture for multiple missing teeth.

Once all the components of the dental implants come together, no adjustments are needed after placement. You don’t have to worry about loose parts because all the elements remain stable and intact.

What to expect during dental implant treatment

For many patients, one surgical procedure is enough for dental implant treatment. However, if you have severe bone loss, we recommend bone grafting to replace lost bone tissue to make you eligible for dental implants. Similarly, severely decayed or damaged teeth need simple or surgical extraction to create room for an implant.

Once your mouth is prepped for dental implants, the rest of the procedure involves:

  • Implant surgery: After numbing your mouth, we surgically insert a titanium post in a precise location in the jawbone. Then, we place a healing cap and suture the wound to pave the way for healing.
  • Healing and integration: Your implant needs 2-3 weeks to heal, but 4-6 months are required for the bone and implant to fuse through osseointegration. During the fusion phase, observe strict oral care hygiene to prevent peri-implantitis (implant infection).
  • Abutment placement: After fusion, we’ll uncover your implant and place an abutment that connects the implant fixture to the replacement tooth. This minor surgery requires two weeks to heal. 
  • Restoration: The final step of the implant treatment is to place a natural-looking crown or bridge to replace your teeth. Your tooth restoration handles all the pressure your strong, natural teeth once did. You’ll have a stable foundation to smile confidently and eat anything you want.

Benefits of dental implants

Dental implants offer many benefits, including:

  • Longevity
  • Easy maintenance
  • Natural look and feel
  • Restored oral function
  • Preserved jaw bone
  • Stabilized nearby teeth 
  • Versatility to replace one, more, or all missing teeth anywhere in your mouth
  • Renewed confidence
  • Preserved facial structure

Are you seeking a lasting solution for missing teeth? Visit The Smile Company in Greenville, SC, for reliable and durable dental implants that can enhance your smile’s appearance and function. To schedule an appointment, please call us at (864) 243-8231.

Dental Implants

Dental Implants

Dental implants are titanium roots, that are replaced with in the jawbone to resemble a tooth or group of teeth. A screw is inserted through the gums and into the jawbone. A porcelain crown is then attached to the screw to become the new tooth or teeth. They can be used to support dental prosthesis including crowns, dentures, and bridges. Today’s treatments are so natural looking, no one will know you had surgery. There’s approximately a 95% success rate for all implants. With modern advances in dentistry, some implants can be restored immediately with life like all porcelain crowns. For more details ask your dentist.